During the start of the COVID 19 pandemic, CareSpace sought out to create a smart health band that could help mitigate the spread of the virus within large organizations through data analytics. We worked on the product design and development of a first-generation integrated band and hardware. Working closely with mechanical engineers on both the hardware requirements and limitations of the surrounding band. Material testing & research was performed for injection molding alongside additive manufacturing for large and small-scale production runs. Two, nearly identical models were established for each method, one for the launch of the higher-end unit and the other for the mainstream run. The client was insistent on having a light penetrate through the band for it to glow when a user needed to be alerted. This called for extensive testing on how thin we could get the material in this area without sacrificing the structural integrity of the band. The wavy surfacing on the top and bottom of the band was created to allow for flex, ventilation, and wicking for the user as it was intended to be worn for long periods of time including sleeping and in the shower.

The overall stack had to be very limited in height as the product was meant to sit on the inside of the wrist to calibrate both temperature and heartbeat every millisecond. Additionally, there was a need to use a larger than normal battery to last users over 2 years of battery life. An external payment chip or FOB pocket was designed into the top of the band for client personalization and was intended to have the ability to be switched in and out easily for user flexibility.

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